Our Advisory Members


A trusted council of industry-leading advisors with decades of experience

  • Founding Members

    It all begins with an idea. We had an elementary idea how we could solve two problems for our portfolio companies at AZCrown. We had no idea when we began but very quickly realized this was a massive issue and worth tackling. This led us to our foundational investment in the data space -Join5x5.com, the most influential private data cooperative in the market. From this, we learned how to attract over 130 firms to support and become members in the Co-Op, and now we all enjoy a core data asset that is self-healing and growing every day. That concept is what is fueling the idea for the Innovation Co-op.

  • Technical Council Members

    The key to any company, mission, or idea are the people behind it. Having great business minds on the problem solves it from one perspective. We have recruited technologists that have built unicorns, public companies, and market leaders that can solve it from a unique technical perspective as well. The problems we are looking to solve require a special set of skills that rarely reside in any single company. The goal of Applied Data Labs is to leverage our collective intellect and solve the problem together where we are participate in the upside.

  • Partner Contributing Members

    We also need support from technology platform providers, Infrastructure Providers, Modeling Solutions, and Data Supply Chain management partners to pull off the vision of Applied Data Labs. We do not want to over-rely on any one component of our stack to leave room for diverse approaches, ideas, and technologies. We know how hard it is to stitch together these disparate tools and want the diversity of thinking to solve the initiatives we have identified.

Derek Wang

Brian Perks

Founding Members

  • Visit Derek’s LinkedIn

Jim Weldon

Technical Council Members

Mike Guggemos

Partner Contributing Members

Cathy Folger

  • Visit Cathy’s LinkedIn

Sean Magennis

Chris Powell

  • Description text goes here

Learn about joining the uber vision.

The Applied Data Labs Team